Krav Maga Danmark


Student Curriculum



Practitioner 1


  1. Krav Maga History
  2. Nødværgeloven
  3. Stances
    1. Passive Stance
    2. Semi-Passive Stance
    3. Fighting Stance
  4. Footwork
    1. Forward
    2. Sideways
    3. Backwards
  5. Pivot
    1. Front foot
    2. Back foot
  6. Straight Punch
  7. Hook Punch
  8. Uppercut
  9. Combinations hands

For Practitioner 1 (P1) the student should show knowledge about basic stances and movement. The student should know how to generate power in their punches, and what part(s) of the hand to hit with. Straight punches, hooks and uppercuts should be put together in different combinations. 

Knowledge about different vulnerable points on the body should be demonstrated. It is also important the the student knows how to hold pads for their training partners.







Practitioner 2




  1. Clinch
    1. Wrist Tie
    2. Bicep Tie
    3. Neck Tie (single collar tie)
  2. Ground
    1. Circle legs to prevent grabbing
    2. Knee shield
    3. Up-kicks
  3. Elbows Horizontal and Vertical
  4. Hammer Horizontal and Vertical
  5. Regular Kick
  6. Straight Knee
  7. Combinations with all strikes
  8. Head- and body defense (punches)
    1. Slip
    2. Roll
    3. Move

For Practitioner 2 (P2) the student gets introduced to clinch and groundwork. In clinch they shall know why, how and where to grab efficiently. On the ground they shall know how to move when defending against a standing attacker. Lastly they shall demonstrate knowledge about when and how to get back up to standing. 

The student shall perform basic combinations with both hands and feet together with basic head and body defense against punches.







Practitioner 3




  1. Footwork
    1. Shuffle
    2. Full Step
  2. Clinch
  3. Single collar tie
  4. Double collar tie (Thai clinch)
  5. Under/Over hook
  6. Pummeling for inside position
  7. Krav clinch
  8. Getting to the back
    1. Arm drags
    2. Duck unders
  9. Ground
    1. Mount top
      1. Knees high
      2. Arms post and circling
      3. Grapevine legs  
    2. Mount bottom
      1. Trap arm, buck n´ roll
      2. Hip Escape (shrimping)
      3. Pushing with hand on hip
    3. Side control top
      1. Hip and leg work (knee up or straight leg)
      2. Arms control with underhook and crossface
      3. Headlock if opponent gets underhook
    4. Side control bottom
      1. Underhook with far arm
      2. Buck and roll
      3. Knee and elbow escape
    5. Guard top
      1. Posture (wide base, centered, inside position)
      2. Break guard with knee in middle 
    6. Guard bottom
      1. Lockdown with overhook and neck tie
      2. Knee-shield and kicks
  10. Stopkicks
    1. Front
    2. Side 
    3. Back
  11. Roundhouse Kicks/Knees
  12. Headbutts and Shoulder Strikes
  13. Combinations all strikes
  14. Head- and body defense
    1. Slips and rolls
    2. Move legs, body or head

In Practitioner 3 (P3) all strikes involving the whole body shall be demonstrated. Advanced combinations and body movement is required. Injuries and other factors will be taken into account. Meaning, the student shall perform after their best abilities and knowing what kind of strikes works specifically well for them.

In clinch it is important that they have good balance, posture and position. They should know how to break away from clinch and what the difference between sport and Krav Maga is.

On the ground positions shall be demonstrated from the top and bottom. 

The student should know how to strike in clinch and on the ground. Shirt, hair- and handgrabs, and “dirty techniques” are part of the clinch and groundwork.






Practitioner 4

  1. Defending swing punches
    1. All sides and heights
      1. 360 defense 
  2. Defending straight punches
    1. All sides, angles and heights
      1. Inside defense with the palm
      2. Inside defense with the forearm
      3. Outside defense (elbow down)
      4. Outside defense (elbow up)
      5. Scooping (chopping) defense
  3. Cover against straight, hooks and uppercuts
  4. Defending combinations
  5. Light standing sparring, hands only

Practitioner 4 (P4) includes all defenses against all strikes with the upper body, standing to lying down, from all angles. The student shall demonstrate all defenses but by now they should start building their own game. Meaning that it’s perfectly fine if they favor one technique over another, as long as they know and can demonstrate all of them. 

Student should show a profound understanding for distances and being able to move between them. Now they should start building a game plan that suits their body type, fitness level and taking any injuries, lifestyle and gender into account. They should show restraint, and being able to tune the intensity and power up and down, depending on the different training partners. 

Using different tactics like fakes, setups, combinations and flanking, should be clearly demonstrated.






Practitioner 5



  1. Leg defenses against kicks and knees
    1. Low kicks
      1. Block circular attacks
      2. Deflect straight attacks
  2. Hand defense against straight kicks and knees
    1. Mid- and high kicks
      1. Inside defense with the palm
      2. Inside defense with the forearm (fleshy part)
      3. Outside defense with the forearm (fleshy part)
      4. Scooping defense
  3. Hand defenses against roundhouse kicks
    1. Mid- and high kicks
      1. Block with both arms, surprise attack (fleshy part)
      2. Block with both arms from fighting stance (fleshy part)
      3. Block with one arm (fleshy part)
  4. Defending combinations of punches and kicks
  5. Defending kicks while on the ground
    1. Stomps and soccer kicks
      1. Cover and get up
  6. Light standing sparring, all strikes

Practitioner 5 (P5) includes all defenses against all strikes with upper and lower body, standing to lying down. The student shall demonstrate all defenses but by now they shall have their own game plan.

The student shall know the difference between fighting and a surprise attack. 







Graduate 1





  1. Prevention with strikes and/or frames
  2. Over arms
    1. Front
      1. High double under hooks, (strike face/groin,) get angle and/or go to back.
      2. Push hip, underhooks, (strike face/groin,) get angle and/or go to back.
    2. Side
      1. Underhook with the caught arm, then as front
    3. Back
      1. Low: Move hip, strike groin, pull arm(s) out, break grips and/or strike
      2. Mid: Move hip, strike groin, pull arm(s) out to continue striking, and/or break grip, and/or get to front bearhug
      3. High: Grab arms, duck under armpit to face attacker
  3. Under arms
    1. Front
      1. Base to prevent lift, push head/eyes, T-Frame the neck
      2. If very low; push on the back of the head
    2. Side
      1. Elbow strikes
      2. Turn towards attacker then same as front
    3. Back
      1. Break grip with wrist ties and turn
      2. 2 on 1 to break the grip and turn
      3. Elbow strikes and turn
  4. With lift
    1. Front
      1. Grapevine leg to prevent lifting
    2. Side
      1. Grapevine leg to prevent lifting
    3. Back
      1. Grapevine leg to prevent lifting
  5. Tackle
    1. Front 
      1. Back roll
    2. Back
      1. Turn and land in top position

Graduate 1 (G1) includes all defenses against bearhugs. All defenses shall be demonstrated static and dynamic. 







Graduate 2





  1. Standing
    1. Front 1 and 2 hands
      1. Pluck and counter attack
      2. Bicep to ear, rotate and counter attack
      3. If close, pluck, counter attack, escape if possible, underhooks and/or arm drag
    2. Side
      1. Pluck and counter attack
      2. If close, pluck, counter attack, escape if possible, underhooks and/or arm drag
    3. Back
      1. Bicep to ear, rotate and counter attack
    4. Pushing
      1. Bicep to ear, rotate and counter attack
    5. Against wall
      1. Pluck with elbows close to ribs.
      2. Bicep to ear, rotate and counter attack
      3. Breakfall if face is about to hit wall, then like pushing
  2. Ground
    1. Mount: Pluck, trap buck n´ roll
    2. Mount: Trap, buck n´ roll
    3. Side: Pluck, post, hip escape, knee shield, kick and get up
    4. Guard: Pluck, post, hip escape, knee shield, kick and get up




  1. Standing
    1. Front (Guillotine)
      1. Posture up, go to back
      2. Push hip, pummel the head out
      3. Handfight, strike groin and pummel head out
      4. Reach over opposite shoulder, takedown
    2. Side 
      1. Duck under to the back
      2. Posture up and strike eyes, push head, counter attacks
      3. If attacker take down, then roll and land in top position
    3. Back
      1. Tuck chin, grab attackers forearm, turn to the side with least resistance
  2. Ground
    1. Front (Guillotine)
      1. Move legs to opposite side
      2. Handfight, pressure and free the legs
    2. Side
      1. T-Frame, line up with attacker, push attackers head to hip
      2. As above, assist with the leg
      3. Bridge and roll
      4. If attacker is high, bridge and turn to stomach
    3. Back
      1. Roll to the side, both shoulders on the ground, elbow in attackers hip, turn to guard or escape
  3. Nelson
    1. Tuck elbows to prevent the grab

Graduate 2 (G2) includes all defenses against all chokes and headlocks. All defenses shall be demonstrated static and dynamic. The student shall know the difference between a blood choke and an air choke. They shall also know the difference between a headlock and a neck crank.

It is also important that the student knows how to train all of these safely.






Graduate 3




  1. Prevention with stopkicks
  2. Circular attacks (all sides, angles and heights)
    1. Long distance
      1. 360 defense, escape
    2. Close range
      1. Control the knife arm, strikes/takedown, escape
    3. Ground
      1. Standing attacker: Upkicks, get up, escape
      2. Mount: Control the knife arm, get top position, escape
      3. Side: Control the knife arm/Defend, get up, escape
  3. Slashes
    1. Forehand
      1. 360
    2. Backhand
      1. 360, above the elbow
  4. Straight attacks
    1. All sides, angles and heights
      1. Inside defense with the palm
      2. Inside defense with the forearm
      3. Outside defense (elbow down)
      4. Outside defense (elbow up)
      5. Scooping (chopping) defense
    2. Ground
      1. Standing attacker: Upkicks, get up, escape
      2. Mount: Control the knife arm, get top position, escape
      3. Side: Control the knife arm/Defend, get up, escape
  5. Threats
    1. Long distance
      1. Slap the knife arm, (kick groin or knee), escape
    2. Short distance
      1. Control the knife arm, strike and or takedown, escape
    3. Ground
      1. Mount: Control the knife arm, get top position, escape
      2. Side: Control the knife arm/Defend, get up, escape

Graduate 3 (G3) involves all defenses against knife attacks and threats. The student should be know the difference between these two. 

Knowing different ways of holding the knife and how that effects how the knife is used shall be demonstrated. It is very important that the student understand the possible outcome if a defense fails. 





Graduate 4



  1. From above 
    1. 1 hand (Caveman)
      1. Stabbing defense above shoulder, control the stick, counter attacks
    2. 2 hands
      1. One hand stabbing defense, move to the outside, control the stick, counter attacks
  2. Horizontal (1 hand, 2 hands)
    1. Block with the forearms, control the stick, counter attacks
  3. Pushes
    1. Block with the forearms, control the stick, counter attacks
  4. Stabbing
    1. Block with the forearm(s), control the stick, counter attacks
  5. Odd angles

Graduate 4 (G4) includes all defenses against strikes with a stick-like weapon. Long, short, flexible, blunt and sharp. 

The student shall demonstrate a profound understanding for distance when defending an attack with a stick-like weapon. 






Graduate 5



Pistols and Revolvers

  1. Front
    1. Redirect, control, strike/disarm, escape
  2. Side
    1. Redirect, control, strike/disarm, escape
  3. Back
    1. Redirect, control, strike/disarm, escape
  4. Hostage
    1. Back of head: Grab and redirect, control gun and wrist, strike/disarm, escape
    2. Temple: Push gun, control gun and wrist, turn, strike/disarm, escape
    3. Forward: Control gun and arm, turn, strike/disarm, escape

Long gun 

  1. Front
    1. Redirect, control, strike/disarm, escape
  2. Side
    1. Redirect, control, strike/disarm, escape
  3. Back
    1. Redirect, control, strike/disarm, escape

All gun defenses are included in Graduate 5 (G5). The student shall demonstrate techniques for dealing with a threat including a firearm. The student shall know the difference between different types of firearms. Long, short, revolver, semi- and fully automatic etc. 

